Fast, Powerful and Proven
Shop DNA Tests
Genetrack is the trusted name in Australia for premium DNA testing services. With our state-of-the-art technology, rigorous quality control, and exceptional service, we ensure the highest standards in laboratory testing.

Product categories
Behaviour & Traits
Optimize your diet, training, and weight management with personalized DNA insights. Discover strengths, weaknesses, and dietary needs. Achieve your fitness goals faster with Genetrack!
Find out whether your love of adventure and travelling is in your DNA.
- Detects the “wanderlust” version of the DRD4
- 7R+ variant is linked to seeking new experiences
Find out whether you carry a genetic variant that increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior.
- Detects the “warrior” variant of the MAOA
Determine whether you carry a genetic variant associated with increased sexual promiscuity.
- Determine if you’re genetically inclined to promiscuity
- Analyzes the RS3 repeat region in the DRD4 gene
Find out whether your genes reduce your chance of forming a strong bond with your partner.
- Detects the RS3 334 variant of the AVPR1A
- RS3 334 is linked to difficulty in bonding with partners
Discover your genetic predisposition to infidelity.
- Tests five genetic changes in the AVPR1Agene
- AVPR1A variants are more likely to be unfaithful
Find out whether you carry a genetic variant that disrupts your serotonin levels.
- Tests the 5-HTTLPR variant of the SLC64A